Pursuing Excellence Through Persistence and Determination
P.K. Management Group, Inc. (PKMG) has the experience and proven track record to provide property management services to both government and institutional investment clients. PKMG's affiliated real estate brokerage company, P.K. Realty Group, LLC, holds a State of Florida brokerage license. PKMG has provided property management, preservation, and maintenance services throughout the country since 2005.
PKMG can stabilize, repair, market and manage large pools of rental properties in most regions. As an alternative to disposition, many of our existing clients are looking for the means to maximize portfolio returns by leasing portions of their REO inventory. With a proven network of leasing brokers and maintenance contractors, PKMG is positioned to provide this valuable service to new and existing clients. PKMG's web-based property management system allows tenants to pay rent online and to request and track maintenance requests. The system also provides valuable financial reporting information, customized for each client's needs. Below is a list of services included in our Rental Management Program:m: